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The Problem with Walking Out

On March 27th, Former Vice President Dick Cheney came to my alma mater, American University, to discuss Russia, Iran, gay rights, and his life in politics. Sure, an interesting choice for the Kennedy Political Union, and for AU in general, but still makes perfect sense – after all, American is often ranked as the number one politically active school in the nation, and is based on Washington, D.C., and is home to a student body remarkably impassioned, inspired, and interested in politics.

Which is why I was so incredibly disappointed to hear about what happened on Thursday.

As I had expected, a number of students gathered outside of Bender Arena, where Cheney was speaking, holding protest signs and really epic protest attire (Seriously, I didn’t even know they still made “Dick Cheney in prison uniform” costumes anymore. Kudos, AU student body).

(via The Eagle)

This protest was the American University students that makes me proud to be an alumni – they respectfully obeyed the rules, kept their signs and protest outside the event; in a way that was respectful of the rules, the event, and still got their point across.

Then I saw this video, of American University students screaming during Dick Cheney’s speech, and walking out:

And then I was disappointed. My time at American taught me to keep an open mind, hear the other side, be an informed, knowledgeable member of society. What these students did was the opposite. While I’m sure I wouldn’t have agreed with many of the things Vice President Cheney said, I would have either protested outside or sat in on the discussion, politely listened, come up with a few questions to ask at the microphone at the end of the speech, taken a moment to consider his point of view, and channeled my outrage and frustration into activism on an issue, volunteering, or even just plain old writing a blog. The answer to an open discourse and solving our country’s problems isn’t angrily screaming and walking out – it’s asking informed questions and taking action.

My first blog is up at the NWLC!

I sincerely apologize for my terrrrible blogging habits lately, but I have two REALLY GOOD reasons this time – promise!

  • I just started a new job at the NWLC – which just posted my first blog today! Read it here. And while you’re at it, contribute to our blog carnival about Title IX’s 40th anniversary!
  • I’m starting up a new blog with some pretty fabulous ladies (spearheaded by the magnificent Danielle Burch) which will launch fully sometime this summer. WE ARE GONNA BLOW YOUR MIND!

As for BTA, it isn’t going anywhere – and once July rolls around, I’ll have loads more time to catch up both here and on Couch Potatoes with a Cause.

Yours until the Peanut Brittles,


Stay safe, fellow East Coasters.

Hope everyone is hunkered down and braving the storm in a safe place. I’m with my family in New York (luckily in a non-evacuation zone), and we’re stocked up with water, flashlights, and batteries; and I visited the library yesterday and checked out Entourage Season 2, 3 movies, and 2 books to add to my arsenal of crossword puzzles, lanyard, and coloring books. Stay safe and only go outside if it’s an emergency!

Only 4 days until The Rally for Sanity/March to Restore Fear!

So excited to be on the Mall for it! Who else is going? Watching on TV? Doesn’t care?

I’ll be live-tweeting the event so feel free to follow me on Twitter. 🙂

What Really Motivates Us

As a student about to enter the working force, this idea greatly interests me. As a student, I’ve had the magnificent ability to make my own schedule. I learn for the sake of learning, more often than not – taking classes in subjects that are beyond just “this teaches me this applicable skill” and genuinely becoming a better person. But the working world doesn’t quite value that as much. We’re taught and told to do things because they raise profits, because we’ll be rewarded. But this video points out a great thing – there’s a reason we don’t love work like that. We need to feel fulfilled, satisfied, like we’ve achieved something real that satisfies us. I mean, of course, money is nice and necessary, but we also need personal fulfillment. Something to think about!

Don’t come near Glenn Beck with a Carrot

That is, unless you have no intention of eating it.

Apparently, at “Right Nation 2010”, Beck “ridiculed first lady Michelle Obama’s campaign to get people to eat healthier snacks like apples or carrots. ‘“Get away from my french fries, Mrs. Obama,” Beck warned. “First politician that comes up to me with a carrot stick, I’ve got a place for it. And it’s not in my tummy.'” (via Chicago-Sun Times)

I mean, let’s just ignore the fact that there’s an obesity problem in this country, and ask – what politicians are even considering coming up and waving carrot sticks in Glenn Beck’s face and then running away with his carton of French Fries?

Beck actually then acknowleged he was part of the media establishment:

Which then begs another question: If Glenn Beck is now part of the Media Establishment, IS HIS CAREER OVER? I mean, if he’s part of it, he’s destroyed the liberal media elite … RIGHT? WOAH. This is universe-changing.

Happy New Year, BTA Readers!

Sorry I’ve been so slack on my updating over Winter Break. Between getting ready to go abroad, setting up my new room at home, and trying to cram in as much family/friend time as possible, it’s been tough to get a moment to myself and my blog in edgewise.

I hope you all had a wonderful New Year’s Eve filled with Family, Friends, and other happy things and that your New Year’s Resolutions are ones you can stick to and are happy with.

As for me? Only 6.5 more days until I leave for Barcelona for a 4-month Study Abroad adventure! I’m excited and extremely nervous – but it will be an amazing experience I’ll never be able to get back, and I am definately going to miss it when it’s done.

keep up with my european adventures on my Study Abroad blog Becka In Barcelona.

in 2009, I began my 20’s, I realized DC was really my new home, and I became closer to my friends than ever before. In 2010, I hope to have a fabulous time Studying in Europe, get an AWESOME internship this summer (on my list are Bust magazine, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, The Daily Show, and the Women’s Media Center, as well as a few government agencies – wish me luck!), and have a great beginning to my SENIOR (yikes) year at American.

Happy 2010, y’all!

Happy belated Thanksgiving!

Sorry for the lack of updates – life has been crazy! Just had Thanksgiving this past week with my family, which was nice but hectic – we just got a new puppy and he demands alot of attention. Now I’m back at school for the last week of classes and Finals, and then it’s 3 weeks off and then off to BARCELONA! for Spring 2010.

I promise, I will update RELIGIOUSLY during Winter break!

In the meantime, enjoy this festive goodness to kick off your Christmas/Holiday season:

Rush Limbaugh thinks AIDS is fake.

Oh, you heard me right. Rush Limbaugh thinks AIDS IS A FAKE DISEASE.


You tell 'im, Africa. (c) Becka Tells All 2009


According to Limbaugh, both H1N1 (aka the Swine Flu) and AIDS are money-making schemes (hear what he has to say here). Limbaugh thinks that AIDS has been over-hyped in Africa in order to keep the cash flowing in for research about and medicine for the disease and those who have it. Limbaugh says the Swine Flu is part of the same line of scam, a way for the Obama administration to make money off of us through swine flu vaccines.

Where do I even Begin!? WHAT THE HELL. AIDS is not a made up issue in Africa. There are people seriously suffering from this disease and lack of treatment for it. I can’t believe that anyone would even say a thing like that. ughhhh.


This is the thing about Rush Limbaugh that drives me INSANE – he just says things with absolutely no basis in fact, and a pretty high amount of people believe him. They believe what he has to say – even when it’s refuting one of the worst epidemics of all time.